Mr. Wong

  • 3 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000, 2000, Sydney, NSW, Australia

关于 Mr. Wong

Layered with timeless colonial furnishings including timber floors with tiled inlay, bamboo framed French woven chairs and slow turning ceiling fans, Mr. Wong pays homage to classic Chinese influences in a contemporary style. The Cantonese-style menu features over 60 dishes as well as an unrivalled dim sum selection.

Sprawled over two levels, the 240 seater Mr. Wong is one of the largest restaurants in the northern end of the Sydney CBD. It offers a range of dining options varying from large group tables, through to intimate tables for two and seating at the open kitchen.

餐饮美食 - Sydney NSW 2000

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3 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000, 2000, Sydney, NSW, Australia



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