
  • 115 King St, 2042, Newtown, NSW, Australia

关于 菜根香素食館

Green gourmet has been creating 100% plant-based meals and banquets since 1998. We do not use meat or dairy products, nor do we use onion, garlic, chives or shallots in our cooking.

Green gourmet is a family run business, which has its focus on nourishing the body and mind by producing food that is nutritious for the body and the development of a balanced mind. We believe in the philosophy of eating well to benefit our body and by doing good to our body, we hope to behave in a compassionate and beneficial manner to others. When the founder of Green Gourmet first introduced tofu dishes in 1984 in his first Chinese restaurant, Gourmets Inn, only 20% of his customers knew or heard about Tofu. How times have changed! We now not only stock tofu but tofu ice-cream and tofu cream cheese!

When the owner became plant based himself, he established Green Gourmet at Newtown in Sydney. A forerunner in the Sydney vegan scene, his creative Chinese dishes have earned him much praise from his customers, some of whom are not vegan themselves but do enjoy the variety of textures and tastes to be found in Green Gourmet's extensive menu. This quickly garnered a following of interstate and intrastate customers who regularly visit Sydney with multiple large eskies to "stock up".

With the success of the Newtown restaurant, he established another Green Gourmet restaurant in St Leonards in 2001, and has never looked back.

Since 2008, our Pastry Chef has been busy creating vegan cakes and pastries in our kitchen. Now over a decade on, and we have achieved to offer over 15 vegan cake and dessert products (some only available in-store). Our newest range of delectable protein packed semifreddo cakes combine the smooth mousse texture of vegan cashew cream that tastes like ice cream!

In 2018, Green Gourmet became 20 years old and still young at heart. This has always been a multi-generation family business, and we will keep striving to deliver the most extensive range of vegan food to our customers, working on packing in good nutrition along with flavoursome food.

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115 King St, 2042, Newtown, NSW, Australia



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