Wunderkeys™ Piano for Preschoolers (Age 3-5)

  • Grosvenor Street, 7008, Sandy Bay

关于 Wunderkeys™ Piano for Preschoolers (Age 3-5)

#A head start in music, math, and life WunderKeys™ lessons are tailored to meet the needs of preschool-aged children and to ensure that their first music lesson experience is positive and enjoyable. Designed as an all-encompassing piano lesson, students participate in and are taught by licensed WunderKeys™ teacher five different unique activities during their lesson time, ensuring they remain focused, engaged and happy. Your child will develop piano and music skills that will allow for a smooth transition into mainstream piano method books. In addition,your child will get a head start on the math concepts they will be learning in Kindergarten. WunderKeys™ students finish the program with a solid understanding of patterning, sorting, grouping, classification, counting, number recognition, “more than/less than”, one-to-one correspondence and more. For many students beginning the WunderKeys™ program, it’s their first opportunity to be independent, to feel as though they have ownership over their own learning, and to feel pride in their individual accomplishments. @@If I knew music was this much fun I would have started when I was much, much younger. (Student, 5 years old)

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Grosvenor Street, 7008, Sandy Bay



  • Wunderkeys™ 鋼琴啟蒙課程 (3-5歲)
    Wunderkeys™ 鋼琴啟蒙課程 (3-5歲)
    音乐美术 - Sandy Bay -

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  • Carol Ng's Music: Award-winning professional piano, horn & theory teacher w/ 17 yrs of exp.
    Carol Ng's Music: Award-winning professional piano, horn & theory teacher w/ 17 yrs of exp.
    音乐美术 - Sandy Bay -

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